[MOOC] Coursera & edX (12) 썸네일형 리스트형 Developing your Professional Social Media Assets Hi. This is Randy Hlavac, and one question you're probably asking is, "What sort of social assets should I develop for this specialization?" We're going to talk about that in this video, and also give you options that'll allow you to custom-tailor it to the country that you're in. 여러분이 아마도 묻고있는 한가지 질문은 "이 스페셜라이제이션을 위해 어떤 종류의 자산을 개발해야 하는가?" 일 것입니다. 이 강의에서 우리는 이 것에 대해 이야기 할 것입니다. 또한 여러분이 속한 국가에 맞춰.. [Northwestern] The Social Pyramid Now, let's examine each level of the social pyramid, starting with the social networking sites. This level is great for real-time marketing. I just dropped my iPhone is a signal to companies that you're likely to be in the market for a new phone. Most of the conversations are shallow and of limited use by themselves. Social networking sites are great for one-way social engagement, but there are .. [Northwestern] The Shifting Social Landscape How does an individual or organization deal with all of the quickly changing social sites used today? 개인과 조직은 현 시대의 빠른 social sites들의 변화에 어떻게 대응하고 있을까요? Changes are constant in a world of social. 전 세계에서 변화가 끊이지 않고 있습니다. As consumers, we are always looking for social sites which better fit our need for information and privacy. For example, younger audiences first flock to social networking sites .. [Northwestern] WeFeelFine.org Demo When you think about content in Social, one of the things that makes Social very unique is the real-time and immediate nature of it. But a lot of times when you hear those words, you don't really understand exactly how deep that is, and what we can really find out using Social. And so one of the sites I like to use is called wefeelfine.org. This was started in 2007 as a demonstration of new piec.. [Northwestern] Real-time Social Data Did you know most organizational managers don't really understand the speed and depth of real time data? While we conceptually know social as real time, few know the massive amount of data that rides along with each piece of social content. As you begin to develop your social strategies, it is important to know the data you can use to build successful, personalized social engagements. To illustr.. [Northwestern] Your Professional Network In my Social Marketing Course at Northwestern, and in my book, Social IMC. I stress the importance of your professional networks. 노스웨스턴에 있는 제 소셜 마케팅 강좌와 제 책인 "Social IMC"에서 저는 당신의 전문 네트워크의 중요성을 강조합니다. As we move through the social marketing specialization. I hope to show you, it's not what you know. But who you know, that will keep you successful in our rapidly evolving social marketplace. Today.. [Northwestern] Media: From Chaos to Clarity 2019 2nd Edition I'd like to welcome back Professor Judy Franks. Professor Franks has visited this MOOC to discuss how the media landscape is shaping marketing today. Her book, Media: From Chaos to Clarity presents Five Global Truths that we have been using as a helpful compass for navigating a messy media world during this course. Professor Franks is here today to talk about the second edition of her book that .. [Northwestern] Media: From Chaos to Clarity 이번 강의에서는 From Chaos to Clarity의 저자 Judy Franks가 나와 간단한 이야기를 나누고 있다. 레고, 맥도널드사의 뉴 미디어 마케터로 근무했던 그녀가 하는 이야기를 들어보자. 강의 자체가 오래된 강의이고, 책도 2015년에 써진 책이지만 과연 그때의 마케터들의 생각이 어땠는지 간단히 확인해보면 좋을 것 같다. 언젠가 다가올 새로운 혼란을 대비하는 차원에서라도. At the beginning of this millennium, marketers were asking me what in the world should I do about digital media and social media? It was almost as if the sky was falling. And when .. 이전 1 2 다음