So many people can't wait till school ends. Can't wait for summer holidays. What are you in a hurry to do. To stop learning? This is the only time in your life when your job was to learn. That was your job. That is what all people expected of you. Now you're being cast forth and I'm hoping, I'm expecting that you are not saying to yourself "I am done learning". Because if that's how you think and feel you'll slide back to the cave. Because everyone else who keeps learning willpass you by and that's where you'll end up even if you didn't think you are headed there.
I just want to highlight a few things. I'm worried really about how much the fuzzy thinking is going on in the world. and you know, fuzzy thinking means people just not thinking straight. I reflect on the time with my younger sister. So I'm like a whole school ahead of her, right? So i'm graduating high school, she's entering high school. One time I said "Lynn, where do you wanna go have lunch today?" cause I had some cash. She said, "Well, what are my choices?"
It was really odd because I didn't realize until that moment that she was not yet capable of simply coming up with a fresh idea. Why? Because she'd spend her whole life taking multiple-chice tests. So I ask a question, she wants choices in front of her to pick from. This would continue the whole life. And I tested this with other people. People want choices.
And I realized, maybe it's hard to just think originally and come up with a fresh thought that the person who;s offering the questions hadn't thought up yet. Because I think somehow in our society, we're hell-bent on the answer. The right answer. Because when it's the right answer, it's the right answer, and when it's the wrong answer, it is not the right answer.
Consider this following example: Imagine you have a spelling bee. And you have to spell the word "cat." okay?
So one student spells it C-A-T. This person got it, right. The next person spells it K-A-T. That's wrong. He got that wrong, right? Third person spells it X-Q-W. Do you realize that is marked equally as wrong with the K-A-T? When you could argue that K-A-T is a better spelling for "cat" then C-A-T. Dictionaries know this. Because that's how they spell it phonenetically. And so we've built a system for ourselves where there's an answer, and everything else is not the answer even when some answers are better than others. So our brains are absent the wiriing capable of coming up with an original tought or a thought not previously considered or a thought between the ideas that are already laid on the table.
What we're not valuing is knowledge as process rather than knowled as an answer.
In another example, If you're an employer and two candidates come up for looking for a job and you're interviewing the two candidates and say, "For part of this interview, I just want to ask you. What's the height of the spire on this building that we're in?" and the candidate say, "Oh, I was an architect. I've majored in architecture for a while and I memorized the heights of all the buildings on campus. I know the answer. The height of that spire is 150 feet. In fact, 155 feet tall." Turns out that's the right answer and person came up with it in seconds.
That person goes away and the next candidate walks in. "Do you know the height of the spire on this building?" The candidate says, "No, but I'll be right back." Person runs outside and measures the length of the shadow of that spire onthe ground. Measures the length of her own shadow. Ratios the height to the shadows, comes up with a number. Runs back inside, "It's about 150 feet."
Who you gonna hire? I'm hiring the person who figured it out even though it took that person longer. Even though the person's answer is not as precise. I'm hiring that person cause that person knows how to use the mind in a way not preciously engaged.
You realize when you know how to think. It empowers you far beyond those who know only what to think.
So think of your graduation. Think of this moment as the beginning of learning. Not the end of learning. If anyone gives you a choice, say "Don't even give me choices. Let me think up answer all by myself."
It's once beed said that There's no greater pain to the human mind than the prospect of a new idea. Because old ideas bring comfore..
I want every single one of you to lead a painful, discomforable life. And in that pain and discomofort, you'll' make discoveries that can transform this world in all the ways that it desperately need.
동영상 보면서 영어 받아적느라 힘들었으니까 번역은 나중에.... ㅋㅋ
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